Thursday, December 6, 2018


Holiday shopping at department stores can be a nightmare, but the Christmas window displays NYC offers, make combatting the tourist-packed realm that is Fifth Avenue worth it. Those ornate holiday windows decked out with hundreds of Christmas lights and more winter wonderland decor are so impressive, they might be reason enough to stroll through midtown. Last we my team and I went into the city for two days of checking the competition. With my line of work in visual display, you know I can really enjoy these windows. But my advice? Wait until the out-of-towners have gone to bed so you can view the decor free of crowds.  If interested in seeing the windows, most store keep them in till New Years Day.As always, another of my favorite stores, Bergdorf Goodman, hands down, were my favorite again.
Always an “Aw!” magnet, Bergdorf takes window dressing to a new level this year, merging faux but fabulous-looking confections — candied, frosted and iced — with extreme haute couture. Cupcakes, bonbons, licorice and macarons have never looked so delicious as here, paired with Naeem Khan, Valentino, Marc Jacobs, Tom Ford and Libertine. A window full of life-size gingerbread bears roaming a pastry-filled forest left one well-heeled woman near us momentarily speechless. “Oh my God,” she finally sighed. “It’s gorgeous!” Getting hungry? I found out later that Luxe macaron maker LadurĂ©e created limited-edition goodies just for BG, on sale on the second and fourth floors. The Bergdorf Goodman window I might add are usually in production 11 months out of the 12. Now that's detail.

Gingerbread. The attention to detail in this window is mind blowing.

Ice Cream


Macaroons and pastry. Would you believe these are all fake. Yes....all handmade by artisans.

Two glorious windows along 58th Street continue the theme, one with a peppermint twist. In another, French royals outfitted in Rodarte are joined by a poodle, all rendered in what looks like pink cotton candy. Scrumptious.

Stunning window facing the Plaza Hotel.
Men's window.

And venture inside too. The place is spectacular also, and their service is hands down unparalleled and the sales people here too are beyond helpful and friendly.
The fun trim a home shop!!!

Now that's talent!

 I would have no problem living in this store!


  1. Those are for sure stunning as is the store! My big ass wants to eat and lick it all!!!!

  2. Wow!!! This may sound like a strange question but is there some sort of awards show/ceremony for people who create window displays or store displays within the industry? If not... there should be!

    1. To my knowledge there isn't. But it would be hard to top Bergdorfs. If you click on the Bergdorf link in the tags below the post, you'll see all the past years and what I mean.

  3. Absolutely fantastic. I haven’t been to NY in two years but yes, the store windows are better appreciated when most of the tourists are gone. Not all, because it could be three in the morning and there’s ALWAYS someone doing some touristy thing. BTW the candy motif is brilliant.

    1. I loved them all! That bakery window is simply amazing isn't it?

  4. Always a pleasure to see and read your seasonal posts, Mistress!

  5. Lots of very talented people! :-)

  6. You sure don't see anything like this on the West Coast! Every year you feature Bergdorf's they always seem to top their own windows. I agree with Debs, I love you holiday posts. You visual people are something.

  7. A walk past the BG windows was an annual tradition for me during the almost 15 years I lived in Manhattan. Thanks! What a treat!

  8. The one thing I miss about New York...Bergdorf Goodman. Now that is a store. Ooooooo, wish I was there to ogle in person this year. My favorite is the gingerbread window. Stunning.

  9. OMG, Wow, just WOW!!! I can’t even imagine all of the work it takes to put these holiday windows together. “Thank You” to their team, for an outstanding job. And of course to you, Mistress, for sharing these windows with all of us who can’t be there in person to see them. I am thinking of taking a trip down.

  10. =O =O =O Oh, my! That is just amazing! I especially like the one that looks like a bakery…! I have no words. FANTASTIC! Thanks for sending a little bit of New York City to everywhere in the world =).

  11. Absolutely stunning windows!! I look forward to seeing them every year!!

  12. this is one of your fave posts I enjoy every year. wonder how BG can top THIS next year? it DOES look real and good enough to eat!

  13. Can you do a couple of windows with the houseboys?

    1. That would be Alito of balls in one windows....or buns as the case may be.

  14. Oh my goodness. They are jaw dropping!!! Or is that jaw breaking? They do windows like no else. And that fashion is always fun too. Love the interior too.

  15. Wow, wow, and triple wow!!!! Those are so inspiring and magical! I feel like a kid again, staring at them. My hat is off to their team, and yourself for keeping the lost art of visual display alive. I can't stop studying these pictures...

  16. The Bergdorf displays are always stunning, and this year is no exception. I could go for some real macaroons right now.

  17. Absolutely amazing. I'll bet those designers are given very hefty budgets.
    Are you allowed to share photos of your work?

  18. Just saw the windows this past weekend. They were amazing, as they always put on a good show.

  19. I am totally in awe of the whole set of photographs.
    If it wasn't for you, I would never, ever have seen them. There's no way I could see them in person. It's just as well really. I would have been licking the Windows and shaming myself.......

  20. While all the store windows are sharp and attention grabbing, Bergdorf displays are much more creative and inspirational for the season. I've been a longtime customer, and luckily that store is always abuzz. What a lovely post. I too enjoy your December posts....and I dont even celabrate christmas since marrying William.

  21. Oh so magical! Thank you for sharing! I was wondering when this post was coming!!!!

  22. Gorgeous photos of the windows! You always deliver when it comes to capturing the BG magic. Thank you for documanting another year!

  23. Now that my family and I are back on the East coast, I can hardly wait to get into the city to see the windows, the tree at Roc Center, and watch the skaters…oh, and get a Peppermint Mocha at Starbucks to go with my roasted chestnuts!

  24. Thank you so much for the photos of the windows. My favorite part of the holiday season every year. Since I moved to Ann Arbor years ago, I miss going to see the Christmas windows and then having hot chocolate and Steamed Fruit Pudding (with Custard Sauce). That was many many years ago Your post evoked the same emotions. I am thankful for all your posts thak keep me up to date on happenings and inspiration throughout the year.

  25. These Bergdorf's windows are possibly the most beautiful and elegant I've ever seen! Wow. Wish I were there... just to see the displays... and then I could snap my fingers and be back home immediately!

  26. I agree! That is so mind blowing. Thanks for sharing this.

  27. Those are all truly amazing! I think I like the cotton candy and the peppermint the best. And the inside is amazingly elegant.


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