Friday, September 21, 2018


As is tradition, my reign  comes to an end as summer now comes to a official end. Summer is my favorite season of the four. I always feel more alive and healthy this time of year. Even thought my social season will continue ….I always feel like Persephone going back to the underworld to live for the next 6 months. No more hot, sunny days, pool filled, with half naked men's! It is also tough because when in Costa Rica it was the last time I will see Daddy Warbucks for some time, as he is vacating the US thanks to our current asshole in chief. But nice to know I'll have a place to stay in Europe.   But it was a swell summer all the same, at my ever faithful Raven Resort and the boys of summer...….

The adorable Hunter

Donna Reria
And at last week's end of summer Pool Show,  Summer Clearance, Miss Carriage and myself did the First Wives Club's, You Don't Own Me. We were Diane Keaton, Bette Milder and Goldie Hawn respectively. It was a huge hit, as I wasn't sure I could pull Goldie off.

As is end of summer song here at the Casa du Borghese. Take it away if you must Lana...…


  1. I am always sad to see the end of summer. It means no more lounging in and around the pool naked, soaking up the sun and the whisper of light breezes along the body. If I could afford it, I would have an Endless Summer traveling the globe following the sun and (hopefully) finding every nude beach possible.
    Each character is recognizable - therefore, you did an excellent job!
    Have a great weekend. Hugs!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Do Private Benjamin next.

  4. What fun pool shots! Fabulous job on The First Wives Club!

    It's still freakin hot here in South Texas. And will be all the way up to Thanksgiving. Sometimes, through Xmas, which is nice. But I like cool weather, as it means hurricane season is over and those damn mosquitoes are driven away.

    I hope Daddy Warbucks enjoys Europe. I like Europe. Thought about living there--especially during my vacations. Love the Mediterranean coast. But Northern Europe has amazing architecture, art, culture, and fun nightlife.

    Pool parties are fun. The crowd looks festive! That one dude's mermaid hoodie towel must've shrunken in the wash. Summer Clearance and Miss Carriage are hilarious names!

    1. Im sure he will enjoy Europe. His last house is getting ready for sale now, then he's out of here. I will come visit sometime next year.

  5. The First Wives' Club looks fabulous and you especially, Mistress!

  6. but mistress, autumn arrives tomorrow! and usually in autumn we get together for our booze-filled lunch and gossip session. let's see if we can meetup with the lad this year and add a little spice to the show!

    1. Do you need a season to do that? I must be doing it wrong :)

    2. It had already crossed my mind! Soon as things settle I will be in touch. I could have my arm twisted for a SMALL drink.

    3. and for a LARGE drink what would I have to twist? (wink wink)

  7. Bet the ‘you don’t own me’ number was fab! Loving the pic. And yes, summer ends, but I KNOW you’ll find things to post. You know now I HAVE to keep coming to see what tore up to, right? 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. Seems like anymore something is always up.

  8. The falling leaves
    Drift by my window
    The autumn leaves
    Of red and gold

    Pretend there are musical notes up there. Bring on the melancholy! I'm so ready for fall! Nice pictures, though.

    1. Don't get me wrong, I love fall and it's my second favorite season, but it also will herald the grey days of winter. But it will give me time to hibernate and recharge.

    2. I'm all for hibernating and recharging. I am, after all, a Pudgebear! I forgot to mention, you are perfection as Goldie Hawn. I loved the peek of chest hair. It added a little panache!

    3. THANK YOU DEEDLES! Meanwhile Goldie will be applauded I bet. I have since gotten rid of the chest hair...

    4. Well, furry or sleek, you are still ma widdle sweet patootie. I have no idea where that came from, but, I'm going to leave it here :)

  9. I love that song...though t does herald the end of summer alas. Fun post to end on though!

  10. You will need a couple of pool boys to keep you warm over the winter.

    1. You got that right, unless are have a mild winter again.

  11. Such a wonderful time you had! Thank you for sharing so we could travel vicariously through you.

    Kisses Doll!

    1. CJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a lovely surprise!!!!! I sure hope you are doing well with you and the family. Still miss you daily. Thanks for stopping in !!!


  12. Those pool pics look like so much fun, and you did a great Goldie Hawn. I've still got summer like weather in the daytime, but it's nice to turn off the AC before bedtime again.

    1. I hear you. The evening here are getting cool. We also have Indian summer to look forward too yet.

  13. I know exactly how you feel. I hate when summer end too. Fall is pretty but once the leaves are done from there on it's just depressing till spring. And we will miss seeing all the boys.

  14. What a campy place! That entertaining fan dance was a moment.

  15. That fan dance to Sissy that Work was priceless!

    Now you wonder why I lived in California. It's like summer most of the time.

  16. Oh, sweetheart, you are a better Goldie than Goldie! And may your reign never ever end.

    1. Thank you Mitchell.....I really did the gin drinking part well.....

  17. Do my eyes deceive me or is Hunter riding a My Little Pony???

    1. You should have seen what he wanted to ride.

  18. Anonymous9/22/2018

    Quote from the Universe of Latin Proverbs:

    Two can always summer, within a kiss...><

  19. I always love your poolside post. Having been there once or twice, I know the place is full of life!!!

  20. I'd say you nailed Goldie!!!!!!!!!!!

    And the guy in the blue speedo has a nice big banana too I'm guessing!!!!! I hate when summer ends too, but the Lana Del Ray song is a favorite of mine.

  21. This looks like my kind of place.


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