Friday, December 9, 2016


And just in time!!!!! It's the Weekend!!!!!!!

After seeing the Well Strung String Quartet, they have definitely put me in the mood for more than Christmas!!!! They were just spectacular. What a good time had by all. The prefect way to end the week. But speaking of ends, the Lad every week, since like forever, always sends me a end of week picture, and I had been saving one he sent me over a year ago, that I feel may just sum up the way to end the week.......

Boy, why couldn't he be here this week!?!?! We can find out later if he is still talking to me over posting this, or if he cuts me off any  sport nookie now. But knowing him I reckon it won't he is younger than I, so he always has stirrin's and urgin's! But he is a wiley thing I tell you. Ahhhhh, youth does have it's advantages...endurance, stamina, playfulness.  This also reveals my nickname for him of sugarplums! Speaking of  sugarplums, The Mistress is heading out of Dodge for the weekend to visit my good friends the Capital Street Duo, for their annual Christmas cock-a-tail party so I will not be present this weekend and ain't taking the laptop. But if you happen by, I understand the houseboys will be trimming and dressing their tree in the houseboys quarters.....
Please feel free to lend a hand, but be careful of the breakables.


  1. OMB, totes adorable is the lad! nice ass too! if he batted for the other team, I would claim him!

    now off to help the houseboyz; hope you left me some gin!

    1. I was already told, should the Mistress meet a untimely demise I would inherit the sweet child?

    2. I would not stand in your way, dear. :)

    3. i hear the mistress sometimes uses the lads ass as a cookbook stand.

    4. I can see why - so round and tight! :)

    5. His ass has many household usese.

  2. OH. MY. GOD. No wonder your never around.

  3. I still remember that ass very all from seeing it in the Boat Slip pool! Even nicer naked! He's a keeper mistress. Have a fabulous weekend. Will it be appropriate to start on my knees with the tree?

    1. don't worry we have a huge stock in knee pads.

  4. With both of your "assets" it's a wonder you guys ever leave the house. Can't wait to see you two on nye.

  5. What a lovely puckered look!!!!!!

  6. Mistress, should you ever need a baby sitter, I will gladly volunteer my services happily. Have a fabulous weekend.๐Ÿธ๐Ÿน๐Ÿฅ‚๐Ÿ˜‹

  7. Have a great weekend! And should you and the Lad ever make a film, I would gladly give you my honest opinion after viewing it. Off to help "hang" those balls with the boys......

    1. a movie? apparently you haven't been here on movie night then.

  8. Now, I must admit, that is a sweet ass! The Lad is adorable!!!!! It was so nice seeing you at the Well Strung concert and having some good libations after. You are so funny. Nice to finally meet the Mahogany Empress too. What a treat!

  9. What a great picture to "end" the week on, we agree. lol. Have a wonderful weekend, we've been really enjoying your blog lately.

  10. From Auntie Mame, " What a magnificent seat she has....a magnificent seat!"

  11. Sweet Baby Jesus!!!!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Tell the Lad we said hello!

  14. The house boys are displaying some very beautiful [Christmas] balls.

  15. Wowza!
    Talk about positive reinforcement to help get me back into my morning blog reading routine!
    That's some fine end of the week! Mighty fine.

  16. What a eye popping, lovely post to wake too!!!! Have a good weekend. I'm sure the Lad won't be able to resist you next time

  17. Now mistress, should I meet the two of you, you will make this old lady blush having viewed the Lads, fit touche!!!!! O do believe though I could supervise the decoration process with the house boys.........clear me a seat.

  18. Happy weekend Mistress! You and the Lad are quite adorable. I can remember when I met you, I though, " What great asses they both have" now its your turn!!!! I see the house boys are hung, I mean hanging the balls. Maybe I can help with the topper!

  19. What a nice handful the Lad is. Pun intended! I see why you'd be in a happy mood when he's around.

  20. i have to supervise these boys again? well let me check the yule logs

  21. Dance of the Sugar Plum fairies! Three cheers to all๐Ÿป

  22. And a jolly good weekend to you both! A nice supple ass.......yo be young again, where everything is where it should be.

    1. everything on me is low-hanging fruit...great for those under 4 feet tall!

  23. Cheers mistress! Next time tell the Lad to aim a bit lower in the front๐Ÿ˜ˆ

  24. Anonymous12/10/2016

    I do like a good rear view mirror.

  25. He's a cutie! May he accept the posting in good grace.

    The Well-Strung Quartet was booked here only when another group canceled - the hosting organization was highly concerned over "such a suggestive name." (Oy! There are times I truly regret staying in Mormon country!)

    Oh, my. Our tree isn't up. Perhaps you could send the houseboys over to do it for us...

    Speaking of the houseboys - thank you for checking in on me. It is greatly appreciated. Hugs!!!

  26. I say it...I'd eat that ass out for at least an hour.


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!