Sunday, October 9, 2016


I just bet you thought this was going to be my age right??? Well, it is my birthday month, but not for a couple weeks yet. No, I'm here to follow the suit of four lovely bloggers, Anne-Marie, Jon, RJ, and Debs, who all did a post of forty questions. I always love these things. And like Joan in the boardroom..... bring it on boys........
1-Are you named after anybody? Not my whole name, but the middle name of George is a standard.
2-When was the last time you cried? When I was told I was out of gin!
3-Do you like your hand writing? Yes...i still write hand written letters. Remember them?
4-What's your favorite lunch meat? I generally love to sink into anything tubular, but a good smoked honey turkey I love.
5-Do you have any kids? Nope. Probably a good thing gay men can't get pregnant!!!
6-If you were another person, would you be friends? I would like to think so. I'd probably be checking out his ass too!
7-Do you use sarcasm? Me? Hell no why would you even give a crap if I did!
8-Do you still have your tonsils? Yes. I have everything I was born with. Never even been in a hospital or broke anything.
9-Would you bunjee jump? hell no, at least not sober. I don't mind heights though. I actually have a gift certificate from a good friend to take me up in a hot air balloon. Up up and away. My luck, I'll end up in Oz.
10- Do you untie you shoes when you take them off? Yes, always. Unless the sex can't wait in the heat of a moment.
11-What's your favorite cereal. Always granola with fresh blueberries in it. Yeah, I can get earthy.
12-Do you think your strong? Mentally yes, physically no. Although I'm scrappy, so I could defend myself. But I've always considered myself a lover, not a fighter.
13- What's your favorite ice cream? By far...chocolate chip mint!!!
14-What's the first thing you notice about people? Their expression and eyes.
15-Red or Pink? Pink. Real men aren't afraid of pink. I use all red at Christmas...and it looks like the Red Light District. Maybe pink this year no?
16-What is the least favorite thing you like about yourself? Probably my impatience. Some days at work I'm Miranda Preisley. " By all means, move at a glacial pace, you know how that thrills me"
17-What color pant and shoes are you wearing right now? Grey jeans and bare foot.
18-What are you listening to right now? Horror movies . Its Halloween after all!
19-What was the last thing you ate? A pumpkin whoppie pie!
20-If you were a crayon would color would you be? Probably a shade of blue.
21-Favorite smell? Skunk. Just said that to see if you were paying attention. My favorite smell is probably my aunts thanksgiving dinner. The smell brings good memories.
22-Who was the last person you talked to? My neighbor, Bricon.
23-Favorite sport? Sex
24-Favorite food? Pizza!!!!!!!!!
25-Hair color that's real? Yes, dirty blonde.
26-Do you wear contacts? nope
27-Scary movie or happy ending? Scary movie
28-Last movie watched? Pans Labyrinth
29-What color shirt are you wearing? Navy blue
30-Summer or winter? summer. You know I love hot weather, beaches and wearing as little as possible!!!
31-Hugs or kisses? there tongue with the kisses?
32-Sweet food? I not a big sweet person. My go to is usually cheese and nuts. But if I crave sweet, its usually a milkshake.
33-What book are you reading currently? At the moment nothing. But I do enjoy reading Tomass Hawkkes nature photography books with stunning photos and some of his passages.
34--What's on your mouse pad? Nothing, I don't have one. I have no mice in the house and sure don't want to encourage one to pee on a pad if they are.
35-What did you watch on tv last? Ruruns of Midsummer Murders.
36-Favorite sound. By far the crashing of waves, since I'm at the beaches alot, and the sound of the crickets and katydids at night . With so much time spent in summer at the beach and mountains, when fall arrives, I have a hard time at first falling asleep. The crickets are almost done at night here now.
37-Rolling Stone or Beetles? I guess it would have to be Beetles.
38-What's the farthest you have traveled? The Netherlands to Amsterdam.
39-Do you have a special talent? I need more this in or out of bed???
40- Where were you born? Earth.
Now that was a big meme.......excuse me now dears....I need a gin and tonic!


  1. the G&T should go well with the pumpkin whoopie pie!

    I dig vanilla malted milkshakes. and mint chocolate chip ice cream. and honey smoked turkey. and the mistress; now that fall is here, we should do something, yes?

    1. Yes!!!!! I have a look see and text you a few dates.

  2. Love that Devil Wears Prada quote, and you've reminded me to rewatch Pan's Labyrinth, so thank you.
    Oh, and now I've got my next post, too!

    And, darling: Forty is something that happens to other people!

    1. 40 happened to me 22 years ago; I am better NOW than I was THEN! :)

    2. Oh yes! I don't look a day over, well 21, the same as you darling!

  3. Let's see....
    handwritten letters, scary movies, chocolate chip ice cream, lover - not a fighter, tongue kisses....
    Hell, we were made for each other.

    But when you take off in that hot air balloon, I'll be watching safely on terra firma.

    1. Especially when you start reading me poetry in bed!!!

  4. Now that was a questionnaire! And I suppose the pizza is always a staple after the sex, but before the chocolate chip mint๐Ÿ˜ˆ

  5. thank goodness you didn't post your special talents. this is a pg-13/r rated blog after all.

  6. Hmmmmm, horror movies, pizza, sound of waves and crickets. Can be a smart ass and you have special talents? Why aren't we dating?

    1. I'll mail you my questionnaire out to you immediately!!!!!!

  7. What an entertaining read! I too love tubular luncheon meats. We like to hear more about these special talents also.

    1. Yes, the "special talents" requires its own post.

    2. I may have to post that to Mistress Mj blog!!!!!

  8. :-) xoxoxox enjoying knowing more about you.

  9. When was the last time you cried? "When I find out in out of gin;" LMAO!!!!!!! Enjoyed the post !

  10. I needed a cool cocktail half way through this post. The last,answer had me laughing.

  11. Anonymous10/10/2016

    What's your favorite scent?

    The scent of the beach within the tan of a man.

    1. Boy, do you know the Mistress!

    2. Pearl is right......i like the way you think!

  12. Great answers, and I loved #5! ๐Ÿ˜‚

    1. Its the truth....otherwise, I'd be running an orphanage!

  13. Take the hot air balloon ride, life is an adventure! Oz might be a nice place to visit until after the election is over.

    1. Or after the election as the case may be!

  14. The more you know .... and shooting star!
    Loved your answers!

  15. I've taken a few mental notes on a few of your answers. I too am into the horror movies fest going on. Pumpkin whoppie pie? That's sounds delish. I too like the crickets sound at night. And have I mentioned I love grey jeans on a guy?

    1. I get the feeling you like grey jeans in a pile on the floor?

  16. Chocolate Chip Mint (mint ice cream) - or Mint Chocolate Chip (mint chocolate)?

    Hope you enjoyed your weekend. Hugs, mistress!

    1. As long as if is smeared all over a man, does it really matter?

  17. Mistress, you should do one of these a week! I too love pink, chocolate chip mint and the sound of the waves. But when it comes to movies I do enjoy a happy ending. Some of your answers had me cracking up!

    1. I prefer horror, but would never turn down a happy ending.

  18. We must be on the,same wave length. I was watching my DVD of Rosemary & Thyme yesterday. You special skill, or they on or off the stage?

  19. Great post! So my birthday is this month? So this must make you one of those seductive, wild and passionate Scorpios!?! I've been warned of you and your special skills.

  20. You submitted to the interrogation with great patience and fortitude, Mistress. I'm surprised you weren't asked if you'd ever painted your toenails!

    1. Oh, that would have been much to personal. Next thing you know, they be asking if a use smooth or ribbed condoms for his pleasure!

  21. And I can see you sitting there like Ms.Crawford in the boardroom answering these questions. Your humor comes through on several.

  22. Anonymous10/11/2016

    Regarding Number 10 - what happened to the pink fluffy slippers?

    1. Dear, that fluff is marabou. And I only break it out for the special gentlemen.

  23. Well done, Mistress! You deserve a nice stiff . . . G & T . . . for answering all those questions!


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!