The Mistress had a fabulous weekend mostly spent poolside at the Raven Resort with the boys and a few cock-a-tails! Boy those suckers will hit you quick in this heat! Anywho, while over the weekend it was brought to my attention by the local papers and the gossip hound, my very own Boy-Toy that the Real Joisey Housewife Teresa Giudice, you know the one.

She looks sorta like a man and needs to have that uni-brow taken care of? Well, she apparently is even in more hot water than expected and has a new adversary, and its not the crazy wackadoodle Danielle Staub either.( I still say it was the man thing Teresa's fault for the country club fight though.)According to Chapter 7 trustee John Sywilok, tasked with rounding up the couple’s assets and distributing the proceeds to creditors, the Giudices allegedly concealed key documents about their finances and business transactions. But wait it gets better! Sywilok also accuses the couple of making false statements under oath about their assets, income and expenses. But wait, it gets even better! The lawsuit isn’t the only reason Sywilok may not be the Giudices’ most favorite person right now. Next month, the trustee is aiming to hold a public auction of the contents filling the family’s newly built Towaco, N.J. mansion.So now her shit is going to be put on the curb by her bankruptcy trustee, for an auction yard sale that’s taking place up in there!

Up for grabs at the Aug. 22 auction are home furnishings, accessories, tools and a boat. The house has served as points of pride and trouble for Teresa and husband Giuseppe. The first season of the Bravo reality show depicted the home’s construction and the no-expenses-spared decorating spree. Really? You really needed a sofa that cost $9,000? But since the bankruptcy filing, the Giudices have faced rumors that their new home was up for sale, which the Mistress understands from Twitter bugs, Teresa denied via Twitter last month, or was being foreclosed upon which she adamantly denied in this week’s episode of the reality show. Just grow back the balls you use to have and just admit the jig is up. Now mind ya- the Mistress was to enjoy a lovely leisurely vacation the week the auction takes place, but know I may have to see if their is anything the Mistress many like to acquire out the Giudice estate. On second though it may be to garish for the Mistress's liking.But the chinchilla coat she wore could be swank, although I'm getting to old for that whore look. So if you bitches want some of Teresa’s fabulous shit better get your asses over to New Joisey August 22. I bet Danielle is going to be there scavenging in Teresa’s and Joe’s crap just to piss off Teresa , while Teresa sits there giving her ass dirty looks, calling her a crack whore! Except dearie, whose shit is sitting on the curb? Hmmmmmmmm, maybe a front row seat with some cock-a-tails may be more entertaining to watch, then partaking in the auction!
When the mob comes, I will deny having anything to do with this post.
ReplyDeleteThat said, "getting too old for this whore look". Priceless.
The Mistress knows she can get me anyday by quoting Gina Gershon in "Showgirls".
White trash with money.
ReplyDeleteHa ha, this foul mouthed, phony, poor excsue to represent the women of NJ is finally getting her due. And she thought her sh1t didn't stink.
ReplyDeleteMistress, I'm laughing so hard I'm crying! You are too funny girl and besides who would want one of those ugly, tacky sofas and other mafia princess furniture she bought? She has no taste. Ick.
ReplyDeleteLOL!LOL!LOL! MISTRESS- YOU SHOULD GO OVER THERE AND SHOW HER SOME STYLE! but OH, so glad to hear this, I read the court docs and none of the income from the book was disclosed or her website, they are so stupid! You have to have less than 100 dollars “left” to file for ch. 7, these people do not deserve bankruptcy discharge. I am in shock they had the balls to file that way, did they not know that income can still be looked at? Especially being in the public eye. Fools.
ReplyDeleteDing Dong- the ugly one who should have purchased herself a forehead instead of boobs, is going down.
ReplyDeleteI am so happy to hear this news..
Enjoy your new life HONEY, can you say “do you want fries with that”?… LOL LOL LOL, what a funny post!
Girl is in denial. The pretense she shows makes me laugh. I wonder how long its going to take for old Jacq and Ash and Caroline to dump their ‘friend’.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if they offered to help out financially. *smirk* And Mistress, if you go I as hell for sure am going to see that shit!
In addition to being leveraged to the hilt I also think the Giudice’s were knowingly engaging in fraud. Not only were the Giudice’s skinny dipping, they were screwing in the water and laughing at all the poor bastards on the beach while they were doing it.
ReplyDeleteI hope they both go to jail. But if you do go over Mistress take some pictures of all the fighting!
You crack my ass up ! What a funny post!
ReplyDelete$10,000 in monthly assistance from family members? That’s mafia money. I guess even that can’t save their spending ways. This looks more like fraud actually, it’s pretty difficult for the average Joe to get more than two mortgages on a single property, much less multiple mortgages for each of three seperate properties- Somebody was hoodwinking the banks.
I wouls escort you to see that day! A drag going through the house! LOL! These two buffoons are so dumb they probably thought that owning a laundry mat was the logit way to launder money. A pizzeria and a laundry mat…really?!? Could you not be any mor obvious!!!???!!! Looks like they may be living over the pizzeria next!
ReplyDeleteDid you see how she lied on WWH w/ Andy Cohen? No teresa you aren’t losing your house……guess you will be eating and sleeping on the floor with your imaginary expensive furniture that will be taken away. How much do you want to bet they will be dragging her kicking and screaming out of that house when they foreclose. She will make a scene and the bravo cameras will capture it all. This post had me in stiches girl! LOL! And your too classy for a chinchilla coat!
ReplyDeleteHa, Ha,Ha! You so catty girl!Did Chewbacca Teresa and Greasy Joe not think that all the stuff they show in their home wouldn’t get back to the bankrupcy court? If they did, they are dumber than I give them credit for being. Time for Chewbacca to be a dishwasher at Greasy's new pizza joint and learn to like living in the apartments above the place.
ReplyDeleteI love that line Boy-Toy, from Gina Gershon! If the Mistress is like her he must be a beauty and catty as hell! LOL! Funny post. Now that they are broke (cough, wink, cough), can we all take up a collection to get Joe some Pamprin & a hot water bottle? Bitch is ALWAYS looking so damn bloated!!! Seriously.
ReplyDeleteNow no offense, but I don't know how anyone can watch this sereis of housewives shows!!! All it is is a bunch of wanna be socialites that bitch, complain, fight and scream every week! It's like nail down a chalk board! All this noise. That being said anyone that ripps those whores is alright in my book.
ReplyDeleteI have already told Boy Toy that I expect him to attend the auction and to document it in photos for all of us.
ReplyDeleteI think I lost about 5 pounds of water weight from crying and peeing on myself from laughing so hard. I'd call her dingy but I don't want to offend boats.
ReplyDeleteI have wondered all along how they could afford to live so affluently on the wages of a middle-of-the-road contractor. It was obvious on the first season that Teresa spends money like water. It will be very interesting to see how fairly the government handles this very publicized bankruptcy.
ReplyDeleteHeck, the door hardware and floors would be enough to pay some poor vendor who got stuck by those two.
Rip up all the floors, hardware, sinks, cabinets….all of it!
Ten-to-one it’s not paid for anyway. But honey you SHOULD get the coat. You could give it class.
damn I wish I could get $10,000 a month from "family support"....dayum!
ReplyDeleteyou have GOT to go to this and take lots and lots of pics Maddie!!!!!!