Sunday, September 27, 2009

Shut Up Already and Go Away

Would someone please tell this one.....

and this one...

to please kindly shut their traps and take all their childish, drama, and selfishness and finally be gone, before the Mistress has to slap them silly with a Manolo Blahnik heel! I don't watch either of these shows, but just the nightmarish previews is all one needs to lose ones appetite! Begone. Disappear already. Am I the only one these two grate the nerves of?


  1. I don't know who the second one is, but the first one: UGH! So annoying.

  2. No. Not the only one. I'd like to watch Flipping Out to see how it's done and all but the drama gets in the way.

  3. I agree, go the hell away already. Does anyone watch these two dumb asshats? Who are they, and does anyone care?

  4. Anonymous9/27/2009

    I saw Bitch #1 on a promo for something...he was yelling at an assistant or something like that...what a LOSER!! I don't hate, but that bitch needs to be hated and deflated.

    As for Bitch #2..."If I kept my hair natural like her, I'd be bald!" - Auntie Mame.

  5. I am totally with you!! Who the fuck IS Rachel Zoe and why does she need a project?! And Jeff Lewis- if I want to watch psycho gay realtors I'd just go house hunting one weekend in Montrose or the Heights! They irritate the shit out of me- tight up there with "the Status Seeking Housewives of name a random pretentious community"

  6. Ginger and Madtexter-
    You two and your comments have me in stiches! LOL! Exspecially the Auntie Mame comment!

  7. Um, I Like Jeff Lewis; he makes me laugh.
    Rachel Zoe? Not so much.

  8. Anonymous9/27/2009

    I agree. Can the Rachel Zoe project just go away...and Steve and I used to hate that guy, but if you watch's actually kinda cute. I know hard to believe, but he does love his staff (albeit in a weird sadistic way). How about we campaign to get rid of anything on Mtv? I hate those Hills, Laguna Beach crappy shows.

  9. Thank YOU Mistress!!! I can not stand that jerk.

  10. Anonymous9/27/2009

    I have a big role of duct tape. Anyone up for a road trip!?

  11. I agree with you, Maddie!

  12. I watched each of their shows once. I am floored that they are like this and think it is ok? Is this really how people act in LA?

  13. I love to hate FLIPPING OUT. I DVR it & yell at the screen when viewing. Yet, There I am watching it.

  14. Anonymous12/31/2009

    And variants are possible still?


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!